Public Engagement

Yo-Ling engages in a wide variety of advocacy work in both Chinese and English. They frequently speak to a variety of audiences both in Taiwan and abroad about transgender, non-binary, and asexual/aromantic issues.

Talks, Panels, Lectures, and Class Visits

Community Surveys

Media Appearances and Podcast Interviews

  • 2024/05/25 -〈人工生殖法下一步座談會:守護兒童婦女權益、破除性別二元與異性戀婚家假設〉["Panel on Next Steps for the Assisted Reproduction Act: Protect the Rights of Children and Women, Break the Gender Binary and Hetero-Family Assumptions"]. Panelist for panel co-organized by the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights, Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy, the Gender Diversity Committee of the Taiwan Bar Association, and the Foundation of Women's Rights Promotion and Development. Summary forthcoming.

  • 2024/05/23 -〈跨性別生育力、(人工)生殖權與酷兒政治〉["Transgender Fertility, (Assisted) Reproductive Rights, and Queer Politics"]. Public talk given at 女書店 Fembooks in Chinese. Summary available here.

  • 2024/03/01 -〈酷兒理論教不到的跨性別生育力〉["What Does Queer Theory (Fail to) Teach Us about Trans Fertility?"]. Public talk given at 台大女研社 National Taiwan University Feminism Club in Chinese.

  • 2024/01/26 - 〈突破異性戀與順性別框架:從性/親密/認同談起〉["Breaking Heterosexual Cisgender Frameworks: Discussing Intimacy and Identity"]. Panelist for panel organized by the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights for their annual feminism camp.

  • 2023/12/06 - 有靈QA. Class visit at Taipei National University of the Arts for GTHPP: 酷兒展演:影像化主體 [Queer Studies - Visual Representation] in Chinese.

  • 2023/10/25 -〈2023年台灣非二元社群問卷調查報告發表會〉["2023 Taiwan Non-binary Community Survey Results Presentation"]. Public talk given at 女書店 Fembooks in Chinese.

  • 2023/10/22 -〈異同之外的異與同:雙泛性戀社群與無性戀社群的對話〉["Similarities and Differences beyond Heterosexual and Homosexual: A Dialogue between the Bisexual/Pansexual and Asexual Community"]. Panelist for panel co-hosted by Bi the Way ‧ 拜坊 and 台灣無性戀小組 Taiwan Asexual Group in Chinese.

  • 2023/10/16 -〈無性戀與非二元社群的法律處境〉["Legal Issues Facing the Asexual and Non-binary Community"]. Guest lecture given at Shih Hsin University for G302: 性別與法律 [Gender and Law] in Chinese.

  • 2023/07/05 -〈多元性別宇宙下的非二元主體〉["The Genderverse and Non-binary Subjectivities"]. Public talk given at 國立高雄師範大學性別教育研究所 National Kaohsiung Normal University Graduate Institute of Gender Education in Chinese.

  • 2023/06/11 - 〈酷兒政治、多元性別與親密實踐〉["Queer Politics, Gender Diversity, and Intimacy"]. Public talk given at 永樂座 Eirakuza Books in Chinese. Summary available here.

  • 2023/05/10 - "Minimizing Marriage." Public talk given in Chinese at Book Bar Taipei, co-hosted by the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights.

  • 2023/04/26 -〈性傾向跟性別何關?無性戀與無性別的主體性〉["What Is the Relationship between Sexuality and Gender? Asexual and Agender Subjectivities"]. Public talk given at 女書店 Fembooks in Chinese.

  • 2022/12/08 - 〈無性戀與女女情慾〉["Asexuality and Eroticism between Women"]. Public talk given at 台大浪達女同志社 National Taiwan University Lambda Society in Chinese.

  • 2022/11/10 -〈無性戀/無浪漫研究〉["Asexuality/Aromanticism Studies"]. Guest lecture given at National Taiwan University for SOC 5020: 酷兒理論 [Queer Theory] in Chinese.

  • 2022/08/18 - 〈無性戀/無浪漫的書寫與政治〉["Asexual and Aromantic Writing and Politics"]. Public talk given at 女書店 Fembooks in Chinese. Summary available here.

  • 2022/03/31 - 〈2021年台灣無性戀社群問卷調查報告發表會〉["2021 Taiwan Ace Community Survey Results Presentation"]. Public talk given at 女書店 Fembooks in Chinese.

Through their capacity as a core member of 台灣非二元酷兒浪子 Taiwan Non-binary Queer Sluts, Yo-Ling conducted Taiwan's first non-binary community survey in 2023. The full survey results are currently available in Chinese only, but an English write-up can be found on my Patreon here. I also did a very brief English interview with Taiwan Plus here.

Building off prior community surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015 in Taiwan, as well as the Ace Community Survey, Yo-Ling served as community research lead for the 台灣無性戀小組 Taiwan Asexual Group's 2021 Taiwan Ace Community Survey. The full survey results are currently available in Chinese only, but an English write-up can be found on Taiwan Insight here.